Hi! I am Jasmijn and from the age of 13 until 23, I thought my increasingly more painful periods were simply part of being a woman...

... until the pain got so bad I couldn't function for two weeks out of each cycle, leaving me unable to continue my studies or take on a job.

At age 23, I learned that I had endometriosis.

What followed was a period of four years in which I set out to find concrete evidence that, YES, healing a complex condition such as endometriosis is possible.

I created the exact resource I spent years searching the internet for

I spent the first half of my twenties researching all there is to find on alleviating menstrual pain...

... and made it my mission to heal my symptoms of endometriosis without excision surgery or contraceptive pill use

I reverse-engineered my process of self-healing endometriosis, a condition I struggled with for 10+ years

The result is this bite-sized course, full of first-hand experience, concrete tips and tools, all woven together through what I am most passionate about... storytelling

watch a free preview below

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Course curriculum

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